I know many of you would have read/heard this piece of gutting news already that from July 1st the Google Reader will no longer be available (announced here), which means there won't be any point of the GFC button in our sidebar. This is the button we all use to follow and read other blogs. Besides losing all our followers many of us will also lose the blogs we follow. The good part is that at least we all have three months notice to make this transition and choose another feed-reader.
You can still stay updated with all that I post. It will mean a lot to me if you take out time and follow me on Bloglovin' by clicking on the button below.
In addition you can also connect me with on:
And a few weeks ago I made accounts at:
If you want to import all the blogs that you already follow check out Miss Drifted Snow White's post here. I just did and it's so easy!
Thank you guys for staying connected! ♥